Integrate MoceanAPI Wordpress plugins with Groundhogg CRM

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What is Groundhogg?

Groundhogg CRM is a Marketing automation designed specifically for Agencies and Small businesses to leverage data and killer-looking funnels to drive more sales and make better decisions through insightful data.

Popular way of integration with Groundhogg and Mocean API

- Send SMS notification to a contact when their status changed to "Confirmed"
- Send SMS notification to a contact when their status changed to "Unconfirmed"
- Send SMS notification to a contact when their status changed to "Unsubscribed"

How does it work?

Whenever a contact status changed to one of the following status: confirmed, unconfirmed, unsubscribed. A SMS notification message will be sent to the contact if they specified their mobile number.


  1. Login to your Wordpress Dashboard and install MoceanSMS Order Notification Plugin and Groundhogg CRM plugin
  2. Activate the plugins
  3. Navigate to Settings -> MoceanAPI SMS Settings
  4. Fill in your API Key and API Secret in MoceanAPI SMS Settings
  5. Configure the settings to your likings under "Automations", "Groundhogg CRM" tab

Need more guidance? Contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Want to dive right in?

We offers free trial to help you get started. NO credit card required.